Monday, January 18, 2010

I Am a Centrist

I am a Centrist. I am not however, caught between two types of political ideologies. I am not in the middle. I am not a moderate. In fact, I am quite radical.

How can this be? Simple. I define "Centrist" by a completely new term: Me.

I moved beyond the confines of our limited spectrum of political interpretation and came up with something new. Rather than defining it by combining two other ideas, I just looked "outside" the proverbial box. What brought me on to this idea was when I was scolded actually. "You aren't the center of the universe. Why don't you think about someone else for a change?" That just got me thinking; quite a long train of thought at that. Why SHOULD I think about someone else? Have they done anything for me? If they have, why? Do they owe something to me? Why should they think about me at all? Have we made an agreement upon something to where we have exchanged either goods or services to each other? If not, they why should I think about anyone else at all? And that's where it started. I am the center of the universe. My universe. As William Ernest Henley said in his poem Invictus, "I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."

I have heard no better words to live by. What makes this so powerful is because the poem is meant to inspire people. It is about taking charge and control of one's life. All men have the power to rule their own lives. All men are capable being great. But it takes will. Resolve. Drive. It takes an individual spirit to run an individual person. If we treat each other with the dignity and respect that is completely self-evident; with the belief each and every man has the capability to be powerful -- only then will we open the door to our true potential.

Is this selfish? No. Is this greedy? I don't think so. You should always think of yourself first. Always make yourself better first. So no, I don't care about others. I want to empower others. I want to help them help themselves.

I am the center of my own universe. I am a Centrist.

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