Monday, January 25, 2010

I will never tell you what to do.

Individual responsibility is the key to success. It seems almost redundant. How can one be successful without taking the person control necessary to move forward? If you don't move forward, you stand still. And yes, there are people who are content with staying where they are. But there are people out there, you included, that feel that they deserve more in the world. There are people who can accomplish great things, but only by moving,

Moving is a proactive action. It requires determination and motivation. No one can move FOR you. Yes, there will be people who are actively trying to keep you down and deem you unworthy. They will hamper your movement upward. Fight it. Treat yourself with the respect you know you deserve and don't let their views fault your own. People will tell you to work and you must do it. But you have to always keep your goal in mind. If you only listen to others and follow the goals that THEY have for you, you will be nothing. Set goals. Reach them. Don't be pushed down.

I will never tell you what to do. I only hope you have the strength to figure that out yourself.

Friday, January 22, 2010

True visionaries look inside and bring out, not what they can find in others to bring in.

If there is anything that human nature has taught us, it is that men want more than they have now. Rarely are men content with what they currently have. And what is wrong with that? Nothing. Men have certainly proven themselves capable of great feats before. Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan of years long past. Napoleon and Hitler for a more recent example. But what do these men all have in common? Yes, annihilating their enemies. Yes, coercing thousands of people to follow their plans and beliefs. But anyone can convince the mob mentality to think a certain way. Charisma is contagious and people flock to it. No. What these men had was passion.

Although their passion was obvioulsy communicated to their followers, it was not needed at all. It was their own personal conviction that led them through. It was their will and drive that pushed them forward to their goals. Now I am not exonerating these men for what they had done, but merely acknowledging HOW they did it was the integral device of their success. They never relied on anyone else. They never waivered. They used their own abilities and moved ahead with such incredible determination that nothing was able to stop them.

The lesson? These figures of history never once hesitated or looked back. They never based their actions upon the decisions of others. They were confident in their own potential and never looked back.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Compromise means only one thing: You are not powerful enough to get what you want. No one has a right to be given what they want. You must fight for it.

Compromise means giving up personal morals and beliefs to gain a small victory. When one gives up his personal ideology for a moment of superficial supremacy then he is nothing. If you willingly submit yourself to the will of another man in order to gain an inch then you ultimately will lose miles upon miles.

Man has his own set of moral laws that transcends the laws of society. These laws are individual, inalienable, and idiosyncratic. If one has his laws violated then it is his duty to defend himself. If he cannot support his beliefs then he does not deserve to be burdened with any at all. If you cannot uphold your own ideas then what will you abide by?

Compromise is a joke.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I Am a Centrist

I am a Centrist. I am not however, caught between two types of political ideologies. I am not in the middle. I am not a moderate. In fact, I am quite radical.

How can this be? Simple. I define "Centrist" by a completely new term: Me.

I moved beyond the confines of our limited spectrum of political interpretation and came up with something new. Rather than defining it by combining two other ideas, I just looked "outside" the proverbial box. What brought me on to this idea was when I was scolded actually. "You aren't the center of the universe. Why don't you think about someone else for a change?" That just got me thinking; quite a long train of thought at that. Why SHOULD I think about someone else? Have they done anything for me? If they have, why? Do they owe something to me? Why should they think about me at all? Have we made an agreement upon something to where we have exchanged either goods or services to each other? If not, they why should I think about anyone else at all? And that's where it started. I am the center of the universe. My universe. As William Ernest Henley said in his poem Invictus, "I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."

I have heard no better words to live by. What makes this so powerful is because the poem is meant to inspire people. It is about taking charge and control of one's life. All men have the power to rule their own lives. All men are capable being great. But it takes will. Resolve. Drive. It takes an individual spirit to run an individual person. If we treat each other with the dignity and respect that is completely self-evident; with the belief each and every man has the capability to be powerful -- only then will we open the door to our true potential.

Is this selfish? No. Is this greedy? I don't think so. You should always think of yourself first. Always make yourself better first. So no, I don't care about others. I want to empower others. I want to help them help themselves.

I am the center of my own universe. I am a Centrist.