Friday, January 22, 2010

True visionaries look inside and bring out, not what they can find in others to bring in.

If there is anything that human nature has taught us, it is that men want more than they have now. Rarely are men content with what they currently have. And what is wrong with that? Nothing. Men have certainly proven themselves capable of great feats before. Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan of years long past. Napoleon and Hitler for a more recent example. But what do these men all have in common? Yes, annihilating their enemies. Yes, coercing thousands of people to follow their plans and beliefs. But anyone can convince the mob mentality to think a certain way. Charisma is contagious and people flock to it. No. What these men had was passion.

Although their passion was obvioulsy communicated to their followers, it was not needed at all. It was their own personal conviction that led them through. It was their will and drive that pushed them forward to their goals. Now I am not exonerating these men for what they had done, but merely acknowledging HOW they did it was the integral device of their success. They never relied on anyone else. They never waivered. They used their own abilities and moved ahead with such incredible determination that nothing was able to stop them.

The lesson? These figures of history never once hesitated or looked back. They never based their actions upon the decisions of others. They were confident in their own potential and never looked back.

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